A Dermal Filler is a soft injectable gel filler that helps replenish and refresh your appearance by restoring lost volume and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.  It uses hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring sugar found in your body), which combines with water in your skin.  Hyaluronic acid injections have also been shown to stimulate collagen production.  Treatments are quick, simple, comfortable and non-surgical.  Results are immediate leaving you looking and feeling instantly refreshed.  When strategically placed under the skin, Dermal Fillers will add volume and definition to your facial features while keeping your appearance natural looking, symmetrical and well-balanced.  Depending on what you want to accomplish, the simple treatment can be used for many different purposes.  It can be used to smooth existing lines, to restore lost volume in the cheeks, lips, temples, or to reshape noses and jaw lines among other things.  The treatment is comfortable thanks to a formulation (extra comfort) that includes lidocaine – a localized pain reliever.


How long do dermal fillers last?
The dermal fillers provides results that last between 6 months up to a year, and sometimes even up to 18 months depending on the area treated.

How long does the treatment usually take?
Including the consultation process, a period of up to 60 minutes is reserved for a typical dermal filler treatment.

How long before I see results?
Results are instant.  However, the product continues to attract water over the course of a couple of weeks.  A follow-up visit is usually scheduled after two weeks in order to assess results.

Is it painful?
Dermal fillers are injected directly under the skin using a fine needle.  At Ambrosia Cosmetic Clinic, a topical anesthetic is applied prior to the treatment in order to minimize any discomfort.  Also,  all dermal fillers used by our injector contain lidocaïne to ensure that the injection process is a more comfortable experience.

What are the possible side effects?
Possible side effects are mild to moderate and relatively short lasting.  These may include temporary skin reaction such as redness, tenderness and bruising.  This can usually be covered with light makeup.  Rarer side effects are discussed at he time of your consultation.